At the forefront of the diversity and inclusion movement that is sweeping through the luxury retail space, Untapped Creatives’ unique Afro-LuxeConcept with Selfridges is a ground-breaking collaboration with the luxury retailer. The partnership has seen 10 of our British Black-owned brands displayed in prominent positions in Selfridges’ London flagship on OxfordStreet and available to buy on

On the weekend of May 28th, Selfridges announced their partnership with Untapped Creatives on the Afro-Luxe Concept with a hero feature on their landing page!
Our job, as the marketing agency responsible for social media communications, was to maximize reach over this weekend.
Selfridges published a dedicated Instagram Story to Untapped Creatives and the brands involved in the collaboration.

This weekend the reach exceeded 100,000 impressions which is fantastic for a brand of less than 1000 followers, we're also happy to share that the audience increased by 56.7% that weekend.
We're congratulating Untapped Creatives on a successful brand launch and encourage you all to check out our case study on our work with them.